Outdoor Gym QR CODE – How to use an elliptical trainer?


Stepping on the footboards with both feet, hold the handles at the tops of each pole.  Alternate moving each leg forward with the opposite arm (for example: move left arm forward and right leg forward, while right arm and left leg move backwards), similar to skiing. Continue rhythmically, increasing and decreasing speed as desired.


Improve coordination and balance. Provide a cardio-workout.

Exercise Intensity:

Beginner: 30 seconds | Advanced: 60 seconds | Elite: 90 seconds

Safety instructions using Outdoor Gym elliptical trainer

World Outdoor Fitness elliptical trainer || SKU: WOF-14008


  • This unit is designed for one user at a time. It is unsafe to stand near the equipment when it is in use by another user.
  • The faster your speed, the greater your risk for injury.
  • If you feel dizzy, nauseous, or otherwise ill, please discontinue use and consult your doctor for exercise guidelines before continuing. If you are under a doctor’s care, please use the equipment per the doctor’s guidelines for intensity and duration.
  • This unit is not designed for children under 12 years old.
  • Placement of hands off the handles and onto other parts of the unit, and likewise placement of the feet off the footboards and on other parts of the unit can be dangerous. Use of the unit outside of its prescribed instructions is not allowed.

Exercise Properties

Cardio workout 95
Main muscle groups – legs 90
Secondary muscle groups – abdomen 25